20 February 2008

Thing 11 - Del.icio.us & tags

I have used del.icio.us for about a year now, and have found it to be a very helpful & useful way to organize & share URLs I run across. I use it almost exclusively for my Medieval Recreation activities. My del.icio.us account.

The neatest thing about this tool is when people ask me for information on a specific topic & I can pull it right up. For example - a friend of mine asked me if I had information or links on Jewish illumination/manuscripts. I remembered tagging a webpage I had happened across, and was able to pop it right over to her within a couple minutes. Had I kept the link in a traditional bookmark list, it would have taken much longer to locate. (In case you'd like to see this link for yourself - Special Treasures from the Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary. I have it tagged with three tags - jewish illumination manuscripts.)

I can see this tool being used in a library setting as well. Librarians can find resources online for their patrons, and add them to a "We Recommend" website list on del.icio.us.

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