30 April 2008

Free books!

John Lithgow and the Book Donation Challenge

I just ran across this wonderful challenge online this morning, and think it's a wonderful way to promote books & literacy. I challenge everyone reading this post to also particpate in this challenge. It's free and you're answering questions about John Lithgow's childrens books. It is ok if you haven't read them...you have a 1/3 chance of guessing correctly! Info from their website:

The Cheerios Book Donation Challenge gives individuals the power to help decide where the books will be donated by answering trivia questions based on children’s books, from now until Sunday, June 15, 2008. For every correct answer, individuals can cast one vote. Cheerios will donate 20,000 children books, written by John Lithgow to the five states with the most votes.

14 April 2008


*sigh* I just tried getting into my bookmarks at del.icio.us, and the site appears to be down. Major bummer that.