07 March 2008

Thing 21 - Other Social Networks

I used to have an account on Ning. I was quite hopefully that it would be a good & fun place to meet other librarians since they have a librarian group on the network. I'm sure it would have met and exceeded my expectations had I not gotten sucked into LiveJournal at the same time. I had a couple beefs about it, mostly because the group was brand new when I joined it. It seemed like no-one was posting anything, and just like MySpace & facebook people were requesting me to be friends that I didn't know anything about and they didn't introduce themselves.

Sorry about a slight rant, but I really don't like this. If I'm going to befriend someone (even online), I want to know a bit about them. I do not see the point of having lots of "friends" just for the sake of having lots of friends. I'd rather have a couple really good contacts then a bunch of people I have no connection with.

There are just so many online social networks these days, that it is hard for me to check in with a lot during the course of a day...or even a week. And if I only have time for a quick peek in to see if anyone's posted before I have to do something else, I'm not really going to have time to post to my blog there or do the other things you're supposed to do in these sites. I'd rather have 1 spot to meet and greet others - and this blog is it for me professionally. I still have an account on LiveJournal to connect with my friends. These 2 blogs are enough to keep me busy, so I do not see myself joining any other networks right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

danah boyd talked about this a bit (a while ago, I am chagrined to say):
Friends, friendsters, and top 8: Writing community into being on social network sites by danah boyd
First Monday, volume 11, number 12 (December 2006),
URL: http://firstmonday.org/issues/issue11_12/boyd/index.html