20 April 2009

Thing 33 - Travel 2.0

I took a look at a few of the "Travel 2.0" sites on this thing's article (TravelAdvisor, Wines & Times, Boo), and I didn't really learn/see anything I hadn't known before. I really do not see many applications for library use, except perhaps if patrons come in and need help planning a trip and they wish to use the internet to do so. But even this use is not a major one, since so many people already know about the many travel sites like Travelocity and Yahoo travel that also have reviews and other features these Travel 2.0 sites offer. So I really don't see the need for library staff to have a lot of knowledge and experience with them.

I can see the usefulness of some of these travel sites for people planning a trip, but the ones I looked at all had quirks. They quirkiness mostly comes from not being well known, and the reviews and ratings of hotels or attractions are very low. I looked up Washington D.C. on Boo.com and The White House as an attraction only had 3 people review their visit there. It is really hard to see the value of a place with only 3 ratings!

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