28 January 2009

Baby born in the library

The Denver Library has a newborn patron. An baby girl was born there on January 27. Read the news article here. Good thing a library was right there for her! I just hope the baby girl doesn't get stuck with a name like 'Dewey'.

Thing 25: Bloggers' Toolkit

I had a lot of fun in poking around the various tool and toys in this thing this afternoon. I added two widgets to this blog; one looks at where visitors to the blog are from, and the other lets visitors see places around the world in real time. I figure they go well together! I would have liked it better for the Clustrmap to have the option of showing a more compressed area (like the Midwest, or even just MN), since I don't expect anyone from outside the region to come a visiting.

I looked at a couple other options like games and countdowns, but I didn't see them as being good choices for a mostly professional blog. That said, I may go back and add a couple of them to a personal blog sometime in the future. Other gadgets, like the frog that climbs the area given to the widget, are just plain silly. I would have liked to add a widget that featured leadership quotes since I'm active in MILE, but it had a script error and is not functional.

I poked around quite a bit when looking at these different tools. I'd say all told I spent about an 75 minutes on this thing. And I don't see it as a waste of time at all. Very good things to learn more about!

22 January 2009

Thing 24: Refresh Your Blog

I am starting the newest 23 things on a stick with this post. I really enjoyed playing with all the Web 2.0 tools last spring, & expect the same enjoyment with this round.

I was going to go crazy and give this blog a more custom look, but I could not get the third-party template I was interested in to work. There were tags that were not closed in its coding. Bummer! So I chose this lovely lighthouse template from the Blogger options. It's not quite as jazzy as the bright pink flower I chose, but it is pretty all the same.

I also uploaded a new avatar. She is fun & spunky, which is pretty much how I feel about myself most of the time. :)

I have not done much professional blogging here since completing the last 23 things, and for that I am sorry. I had such high expectations of having a high-quality, relavant library blog... I hope this time I'll do better! Maybe I should put it on my calendar each week to post something...not a bad idea actually. (Note to self: do this!) I also have a personal blog that I have been a bit better in keeping up-to-date. But lately even this has suffered. I'll work on doing more blogging period this year! Talk about a New Year's Resolution!

I do read a fair number of library blogs including:

I don't normally leave comments, but I do enjoy keeping up with what is happening in the library world.